Thursday Thoughts ~ 10/5/23

I had blood work done 9/26/23 as routine follow-up to a med change. I was surprised that the order was for a bunch of other blood work & urinalysis. I asked why but the tech said the PA didn’t come in until 8. She could ask him then & I could return later. I decided what the hell, if I’m going to be stuck why not have more tests done?

This new place I go to alerts me as each test result is digitally posted to my patient portal. My phone lit up like a Christmas tree over two days. Monday was the doozy – ABNORMAL on the final report.

I made an appointment for yesterday to review said labs only to be told, 1.4 means nothing & he would not even classify as ABNORMAL until 1.6 but really 1.8 is when they worry. And of course I had already done Google MD to see the same info. Apparently my result is an early signal for over 150 potential autoimmune diseases. Great … say it with me but with sass … GREAT!!

I have zero symptoms of an autoimmune disease but whatever. Maybe this is like a false positive or something. As much as I don’t feel good & haven’t felt right in over a decade, I’m not hopping on the lupus or fibromyalgia bandwagon.

Now as what ALWAYS happens … I was put in my place. When I whine, I usually find out someone else has something worse. I get the whole don’t diminish your feelings blah blah blah BUT I’m not. I’m showing empathy for another human being. There but for the grace of God go I.

And with that, I’m done. Until next time … and there will be a NEXT time.

As always, more to come.