Share Your World ~ 10/3/23

Thanks Di for hosting. I’m adding my two cents. To join in, HERE are the rules and ping back.

1. When you were a child, did you have your friends round for tea even if it wasn’t your birthday? Were you invited to stay to tea at a friend’s house? No but it sounds lovely ☺️.

2. What was your first job in adult life? I worked scooping ice cream at the mall. Doesn’t sound very adult. It’s when I became third key 🔑 and either opened or closed & did the day’s deposit. I thought I was so grown up!!

3. Do you enjoy shopping (food, clothes, gifts etc) Not really. There’s a story behind this but it’s not worth repeating.

4. What was the best bargain you ever got? Hmmm 🤔 I’m frugal and usually don’t buy without a bargain of some sort. I don’t coupon anymore but a few times my groceries were “free”.

Gratitude: It costs nothing to smile and say thank you, yet to the recipient, it can mean the world.

Oh yes, this I do believe. I’m always smiling 😊 even if inwardly in turmoil. It’s the way I cope. Hence my blog title “J-Dub’s Grin and Bear It”

As always more to come.