#SoCS ~ 9/30/23

Oh Happy Saturday! Special shout out to TK on the occasion of her B-Day! Cheers to another trip around the sun.

Linda is back at the helm & she says … Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: starts with “hum.” Find a word that starts with “hum” or use the word “hum” itself. Send your bonus points to Dan at https://nofacilities.com/ if you use both. Enjoy!

Oooh, bonus two weeks in a row!

Hmm, not to be confused with hum & word that starts with hum … easy …


I’ve been feeling less than human lately but now I’ve turned over another leaf. I could say new leaf but this is groundhog day. My process for life will be to keep raking those leaves … in a good way … like changing of the seasons. Speaking of places that have seasons, I will be in Salem MA by the end of next WEEK!!! Super stoked!

Anyway, back to the prompt, here’s the hum along song of the day because music is curative. I loved STP & played the hell outta this cassette. Yes, you read that right. I had cassettes & a cute little case for them. Up until I got my 2007 Chevy Impala SS. The 90s man what can I say … nothing … stream on … or do we all just hum along …

This was written for #SoCS by the addled mind of one J-Dub McGillucutty. To join us, HERE are the rules & ping back.

As always, more to come.

13 thoughts on “#SoCS ~ 9/30/23

  1. I had cassettes too…after 8-track tapes went out of fashion. Ha! Technology is so fickle, Jill, it changes in an instant now, rather than years! Enjoy MA, the color and whatever fun comes out of your trip.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Good one – I wouldn’t have thought of ‘human’!
    I like the song, and they did have some good ones. Sad about the singer, though. My daughter had named her rabbit Weiland. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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