#SoCS ~ 9/30/23

Oh Happy Saturday! Special shout out to TK on the occasion of her B-Day! Cheers to another trip around the sun.

Linda is back at the helm & she says … Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: starts with “hum.” Find a word that starts with “hum” or use the word “hum” itself. Send your bonus points to Dan at https://nofacilities.com/ if you use both. Enjoy!

Oooh, bonus two weeks in a row!

Hmm, not to be confused with hum & word that starts with hum … easy …


I’ve been feeling less than human lately but now I’ve turned over another leaf. I could say new leaf but this is groundhog day. My process for life will be to keep raking those leaves … in a good way … like changing of the seasons. Speaking of places that have seasons, I will be in Salem MA by the end of next WEEK!!! Super stoked!

Anyway, back to the prompt, here’s the hum along song of the day because music is curative. I loved STP & played the hell outta this cassette. Yes, you read that right. I had cassettes & a cute little case for them. Up until I got my 2007 Chevy Impala SS. The 90s man what can I say … nothing … stream on … or do we all just hum along …

This was written for #SoCS by the addled mind of one J-Dub McGillucutty. To join us, HERE are the rules & ping back.

As always, more to come.