Tuesday Trope ~ 9/19/23

Well I need to get out Websters before I proceed here. Trope = a word or expression used in a figurative sense. Not exactly what I was going for … better look up figure of speech … or I’ll keep trope as a placeholder.

How about that Mister Rip Van Winkle in the feature image? He’s one cool dude.

I’m delaying getting to the post of this post. My up & down is all around. Ugh!

Okay, yesterday was a good day … a very good day. I reconnected with a former co-worker who has become a friend ’til the end. Our paths don’t cross like they used to but yesterday we saw each other over ZOOM not once but twice!

In our first interaction, she presented a case to our committee. So as not to appear I was playing favorites, I recused myself. She won any way! In our second interaction, less formal, both on early, I told her how well she did, how proud I was of her. We need to share these things people, time waits for no one. She tells me the following:

“Thanks, I thought about it all weekend. You know how that is, you do it too”

Drats! I do. Curses. Why do I overthink every flipping thing? Why did I almost “cut off my nose to spite my face?” I told B I was ready to burn bridges! Now when I tell him, oops, nevermind, he will wonder what’s got into me. Or he won’t wonder anything. He knows me better than I know myself.

Time for music to soothe my soul.

As always, more to come.

Share Your World ~ 9/19/23

Thank Di for hosting! I’m added my two cents. HERE are the rules & ping back if you’d like to join us.

1.  How well do you know your immediate neighbours? We had one block party way back when but we don’t socialize much anymore. However I do know their names & if needed we’d be there for each other.

2.  Do you notice changes in your neighbourhood : ie. new car, new dog, home improvements, etc. Usually I do, if obvious, but we’re on acreage so many changes are not readily viewable.

3.  Should new neighbours move in next door, do you introduce yourself once they are settled in? Introduce myself & give them some homemade cookies.

4.  Have you ever had to complain to your neighbours? Nope! Thank goodness.

Gratitude: Be the best you can be, no-one can ask more of you than that. I like the thought of this, it’s all we can do. And that’s good enough.

As always, more to come.