Sunday Reflections: A Week in Review ~ 9/10/23

No link backs today since I’m on my phone. I covered the usual though. Picked a song on Sunday, haiku Monday, shared on Tuesday with #1liner for Wednesday, on Thursday I thought about stuff, the book club was Friday, and finally Saturday was reserved for stream.

Monday was a holiday. Then I took off Friday too. Lulu and I went to the McNay to see the 30th anniversary exhibit of small set design of Nightmare Before Christmas. I love the McNay & I loved the movie after it grew on me. We also had lunch at our favorite deli, visited Nowhere Book Store, and got flu shots. A very productive day.

I’m having trouble sleeping, up until 3 am Friday. The anxiety is getting to me. My patience has never been good but my situation calls for all kind of chill. Ugh! Hope to sleep good tonight.

Any who, Guess that covers it.

Until next time, stay safe.

As always more to come

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