Thursday Thoughts ~ 9/7/23

I can finally say that I’m healing incrementally. That’s an awesome feeling. Not sure if this is mania at the moment that will crash down again but not to overthink, right now, at this very second, life is good.

Silly thoughts persist as I sit here cycling through a music catalog of songs that lift my mood. I get these ideas of things to write about … profound topics. I start talking these stories out in my head. If I don’t stop to write though, these pearls of wisdom evaporate. I might start using the recorder on my iPhone to at least get some what my mind creates pre virtual pen to virtual paper, always so much better in my head.

Writing is all part of my healing after all. Better out than in! That line from Shrek never gets old. Now for a musical accompaniment. Try not to smile listening to this song, I double dog dare you!

Happy Thursday folks. Make it a good one.

As always, more to come.