haiku – top & down ~ 9/4/23

Awesome prompts on this Labor Day. Since I have the day off, I’m on my desktop & can format this post a little better. iPhone works in a pinch but this is nice. Top & Down definitely makes me think of a convertible. I recall going for Sunday drives as a kid piled in the station wagon in the way back. Hmmm, would taking a leisurely drive soothe my soul?

the rag top is down

warm breeze blowing, summer ends

soundtrack to my youth

Written for Ronovan Writes #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge 478. TOP and Down.

Now for a musical accompaniment. The story behind this song is a bit graphic & not really indicative of the nice end to summer theme I was going for but oh well. Watching too much Dateline has impacted my writing I guess.

HERE are the rules & ping back.