#SoCS ~ 9/2/23

HERE we go now. Time for #SoCS. Hard to believe where in September already. On repeat, I say “My how time flies!!!!” I usually enjoy September but this month signals the beginning of the end of the year. October is my favorite but those last two months of the year call for hibernation. Yep, wake me up in 2024 mid January puhleese. But I digress. We’re here to stream. Linda writes & I copy paste: Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “chews/choose.” Use one, use ’em both, use ’em any way you’d like. Bonus points if you get ’em both in. Have fun!

Chews reminds me of my dogs when they were puppies. They chewed on everything! The chew toys we purchased for them were destroyed in minutes & the toys didn’t stop them from chewing on other things they weren’t supposed to like plastic or wood! Yep the little kiddie plastic pool (they love the water & it gets hot in Texas) or the side of the porch to their little puppy abode still have chew marks. Oh sweet memories!! My angels are all grown up. Age 10 in the photo that follows, taken in 2020.

Age 10

I feel better. See what I did there? Did I trick you? I started all all woe is me. I want to go to sleep, head under covers for the remainder of 2023 & never get out of bed. Wah-wah! Boo Hoo! But nope. I CHOOSE to be happy. Or happy adjacent. Or in a peaceful headspace. I turn that frown upside down.

Attitude is everything. And while one cannot wish themselves well, you can CHOOSE how you spend the time. That means I CHOOSE to “grin & bear it”. Yeah buddy! Exactly like I have been my entire life. And that’s not a bad thing. My therapist might say I’m coping with the traumatic events that sometime rule my overthinking brain. A better way to accept the condition than some other methods I’ve tried. Don’t cry for me Argentina, I’m truly a-okay!

Now I’m off to breakfast in my own kitchen. Then I will go spend the day with Lulu. She got the all clear yesterday & she wants to celebrate. She’s still has residual pain from all the scar tissue though (to be expected). Nothing home pedicures can’t solve. Wishing all of YOU, who may stumble across this post, the best day ever. Happy Saturday!

As always, more to come.