#1linerWeds. 8/30/23

Linda is too tired to tell us about it. I can relate. I learned Monday morning of a tragedy that occurred on our home office campus that Saturday before. I’m barely going through the motions ever since. Though my one liner was written about another topic, it still fits. Searching for beauty all around me in the moon & the plants loaded with bees.

You won’t get over it but you will get through it.

Jenny Hawran

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11 thoughts on “#1linerWeds. 8/30/23

  1. Having suffered a dreadful tragedy ourselves recently (it’s actually been a couple of years now – but I think it will always be recent), we have learned that you don’t get over things, you don’t get past things, and you don’t go around things. You take those things with you and they become a part of you, and, in some strange way, you come to cherish them. To leave such things behind would be only to create tragedy from tragedy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can see that. Those things becoming part of you. Maybe that’s what is meant by saying getting through it in the sense of coming to terms one day?


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