Share Your World #SYW – 8/29/23

Thanks Di for hosting. Here are my two cents. To join in, follow THIS LINK.

1. Do you have a favourite time of year? I prefer the fall or the spring due to the weather. Mild climates are the best to me.

2. What is your happiest memory? Hard to pick one. I’ll go with meeting my husband.

3. If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? Nothing. I’m resolved to that fact that I am who I am. Lump it or leave it 😂

4. Are you a tidy person (ie. everything in its place), or do you prefer a bit of clutter? I’m more tidy and dislike clutter but everything doesn’t have to be exactly in its place. I enjoy certain cleaning processes a bit too much though.

Gratitude: Friends are the family we choose for ourselves. This has become evident to me lately. We even have a name for it FRAMILY = Friends who become just like family.

As always more to come.

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