Sunday Reflections: A Week in Review ~ 8/27/23

I won’t recap my posts but wanted to still add a quick reflection. What day is it anyway?!?!? I’ve been arguing with health insurance all week. This nameless faceless greedy corporation can taking a flying you know what off of you know where. The HealthCare industry was in such disarray before Covid & the current state is in even worse shambles if you can believe it. I have so far paid our out of pocket max plus $500 but the website still shows me owing $1500 to reach said deductible. Why? Everyone demands payment up front. No more let’s bill the insurance company & see what’s covered to avoid overpayments & reimbursement. Guess too many people never pay. Not sure what another reason might be to change to this pay before services rendered policies.

LuLu Belle has her post op appointment on Friday. We’re worried they won’t see her without payment. Like I said we’ve overpaid the out of pocket maximum but if that doesn’t register I guess we pay. Such a racket as once the provider is paid, there is no incentive to bill timely. Technically Texas law gives them up to a year.

In other news, we’re expecting one more big layoff before year end. Part of me wants severance & another part thinks I pray to keep my job because we need the health insurance. But after all this mess do we really need the insurance? Might be better to pay the penalty on income taxes. The carrier negotiates a cost sure but then I hear cash patients can get a negotiated cost too. I would love to see a revolt. Patients & providers unite!! Cut out the middle man or at minimum make them do right by the members.

Ugh! Calgon take me away.

As always, more to come.