Friday Book Club: J-Dub’s Review of Maame by Jessica George ~ 8/25/23

Here is my non-spoiler Goodreads review: I’m no longer a 25 year old girl but I related to Maame/Maddie. Family relationships are complicated. Well living life is complicated too for that matter. I collected quite a few quotes for my commonplace book. This story pulled at my heartstrings. A quick & easy read. Highly recommend.

Now here’s the wonderful quotes:

If only logic & reason overruled emotion.

… sometimes asking how someone is serves solely as a passing pleasantry & the only acceptable answer is some variation of “Fine, thanks. You?”

My eloquence only reveals itself when I take the time to think about what to say, write it down, & edit it a few times before hitting “send”.

The women in my family have spines of steal.

Note to self: Delete search history in case I suddenly die a mysterious death & the police go through my phone for clues.

She says it not because it’s reflex but because it’s true.

Everyone talks about the importance of standing out but never the benefits of fitting in.

I don’t think the love of reading is genetic. If so, why doesn’t James read for sh!t?

A person’s troubles are not measured by the size of those troubles but by how much they weigh on the individual carrying them.

Jessica George Author of Maame

See! What’d I tell you? The best!! Relatable to this 50 something year old people pleaser.

As always, more to come.

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