Share Your World #SYW ~ 8/22/23

Thanks Di for hosting, here’s my two cents. HERE are the rules & ping back for anyone who wants to play along.

1. Have you ever been fishing? Yes I have, many times. We always took family trips to the lake or the coast & fishing was right up there with things to do. I especially loved using live worms when we were at Inks Lake. I never actually baited my hook, my brother usually did or maybe my dad but I enjoyed pulling the worm from the bait cup. Kinda twisted as I think about it now. I haven’t gone fishing in some time & I don’t think I’d have the patience any longer.
2. Do you prefer to watch football, rugby, tennis or hockey on TV? None of the above but B watches football & hockey on TV. I am sports adjacent. B has it on & I read or otherwise entertain myself.
3. Have you ever ice skated? Yes, in Northcross Mall back in the 1970s. The rink has since closed. I was spending part of summer break with my sister in Austin. My nephew had been pleading with her to take him. That summer while I was there she finally did. SO MUCH FUN!
4. Did you enjoy sports at school? I sure did! I started with volleyball in the fall of 3rd grade, then softball that spring. I played softball until 8th grade & was never very good but still had fun. I played volleyball all the way through high school & was better at it than softball. I made the All State team twice. Then I played in an adult league the summer after high school where I blew out my knee. Ended my sports as a hobby. Too bad too, I loved playing & would practice for hours. Oh and in order to play volleyball in high school, I had to run track also since we were a small school & coach needed more to make a team. I wasn’t the fastest but I was steady. Had I not blown out my knee, no doubt I’d still be running. There’s nothing like that feeling. Cue Chariots of Fire.

Gratitude: Don’t dwell on what you can’t do, thrive on what you can! Most people who do this are happy people 🙂 Definitely better to focus on what you can influence. I have my moments but strive to be like this more often.

As always, more to come.

7 thoughts on “Share Your World #SYW ~ 8/22/23

  1. Skating rink in shopping malls is a pretty big thing in Texas and Oklahoma, as I recall. One in Tulsa was near where I’d have breakfast in the morning, and I remember sitting there having my morning coffee and watching kids (mostly girls) take figure skating lessons. Some of them were rather good, pulling off triple axels and stuff.


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