Share Your World 🌎 ~ 8/15/23

Thanks Di for hosting. I’m adding my two cents. HERE are the rules and ping back if you’d like to join in.

1. Do you use a feather duster for cleaning? Yes I love my feather duster.

2. Do you use a washing liquid, ‘ball’ thingie or washing powder? Washing liquid, HE for high efficiency. The washing machine recommends it. My mom would not approve. She always used washing powder.

3. Do you own anything that has to be hand washed? I do & thankfully my machine has a hand wash cycle that I use then I lay flat to dry.

4. Do you use, or have you ever used, a laundry service? No but my grandma, aunt, & mom were a laundry service back in the day. They charged by the piece. Mom taught me & I love doing laundry 🧺. I’m a weirdo but I like folding & putting clothes away. I taught my kids to do their own from the time they were tall enough to reach into the machine. I’ve passed on the compulsion. 😂

Gratitude: Smile and the world smiles with you……… or wonders what you’ve been up to.

This is true. Try it sometime. Make eye contact & smile 😃 as you walk by & most people will smile back. Some may say it’s dangerous to engage strangers and maybe that’s true but I go out & about grinning ear to ear anyway.

As always more to come.