P.S. to Sunday Reflections ~ 8/13/23

Well I re-read last week’s posts & I haven’t been quiet đŸ€« about what’s going on but rather I’m choosing WP as my place of honor to be loud instead of using all my platforms. I get this blog is as much social media as FB, Instagram, or Twitter but the audience is more forgiving.

I’ll be back here again tomorrow with a haiku needed for pain relief 😼‍💹 & the usual suspects for the rest of the week. Having something to look forward to is extremely helpful. Today as everyday since 8/3 is made for distraction. I’m a mess. Treading water. But this too shall pass.

As always more to come.

#SLS ~ 8/13/23

The prompt is choose a song backed by the Wrecking Crew. Thanks Jim for hosting. HERE are the rules & ping back.

Per the wiki The Wrecking Crew was a loose collective of Los Angeles–based session musicians whose services were employed for a great number of studio recordings in the 1960s and 1970s, including hundreds of top 40 hits. The musicians were not publicly recognized in their era, but were viewed with reverence by industry insiders. They are now considered one of the most successful and prolific session recording units in music history.

Dang, glad they are finally getting recognition because every single song they backed is stellar. I was like a kid in the candy store listening & trying to decide. I found such meaning in these songs for different phases of my life. Music is all powerful & healing. Like laughter, music can make the pain go away even if only temporary relief. Since I haven’t been participating lately, I’m picking two.

First, Glen Campbell’s I’m Not Gonna Miss You – Alzheimer’s like dementia is a cruel disease especially for those watching. Second, Simon & Garfunkel’s Bridge Over Troubled Waters. We sang the hell out of this song in glee club. Everytime I hear it, I can feel Sr. Teresa’s playing the piano with such intensity. Of course, I have to sing along from rote memory. Lately I do so with tearing streaming down my face. Go out & be a bridge for someone. ❀ In both videos, lyrics within.

As always, more to come.

Sunday Reflections: A Week in Review ~ 8/13/23

Hi y’all, time is blurry. The days need to hurry the hell up to Wednesday, 8/16/23 so Lulu Belle can get peace of mind when her surgery goes as smooth as silk & she gets the all clear. Self-fulfilling prophecy or delusions or a real Schrödinger’s cat conundrum. Don’t open the damn box. Avoidance is the best risk mitigation technique as they (whoever they are) say. Instead this is a take the bull by the horns & face what may come straight on BUT say it with me “it’s nothing until it’s something”.

I’ve been quieter than usual, not like last time when I was blogging even the smallest detail to release the hounds. Now I’m sort of holding back with my usual share. I overthink everything & I do care very very much what other people think. We haven’t told my in-laws since MoMo’s dementia would leave her confused & PoPo, well hearing this would break his heart. Lulu is his favorite. She stayed on this earth when things were at the lowest for her because of her daddy & her PoPo. They saved her life. I believe that with my whole heart.

Okay, roll call then we’re taking a dry run to the facility so we can find it Wednesday. Don’t need the stress of not knowing where we’re going. Too much stress already. Then will park by the lake & have ice cream for lunch.

As always, more to come.