#SoCS ~ 8/12/23

Time for #SoCS. Like Linda, I too have had so much to do I was afraid to start anything. I think that’s called being “a deer in the headlights”. To break the inertia, let’s play a game shall we? Yes we shall. HERE are the rules & ping back.

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “envelope.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

Hmm, envelope. Think, think, & think. Envelope makes me think of one thing only … “STUFF IT” Ha! The youngsters have no idea. I tell ya what. Email took the place of stuffing envelopes & texts have taken the place of emails. Crazy. I’m tired & anxious y’all. On the verge as they say.

If B has Covid, he cannot go to Lulu’s surgery. We cannot go to Arlington. The Arlington trip is nonrefundable. At least we got back the extended part of the vacay. That was good thinking. Like boy scouts always prepared. Still, that will suck so hard. Not life ending mind you but still. I’d like to wrap up all the bad juju shove it in an envelope & burn it in a sage infused incantation. Go eff yourself bad juju. Now I’m just spouting gibberish. I will land the plane. Until next time, hope life treats you well.

As always, more to come.