Friday Feels ~ 8/11/23

Gloom, despair & agony on me … Hee Haw! made that funny. OhOhhhh …..

Through the help of a dear friend, I am no longer anguished. She helped me see the error of my ways. In other words, she called me on making stuff up. Now I’m back to Pollyanna Jilly Willy. If I’m gonna make stuff up it can be good. AmIright?!?!? Hells yeah.

So in the funny not funny but we have to laugh to get through it news, B was exposed to Covid. Ugh 😦 We had to look up what to do & wade through the mess to get the real deal. He has no symptoms which is peachy.

Right now he is steering clear of the rest of us to be safe. Secretly enjoying the solitude I suspect. I know I would. LOL. After a brief argument, he’ll mask around us & take meals in another room. The convo went like this:

  • B: If I was exposed, you were exposed
  • Me: Uh, no, I was not around Nathaniel
  • B: How long again?
  • Me: If no symptoms, 10 days in a mask, isolating the first 5 until you get a negative test but mask the whole 10 days. If negative, you do not have to isolate after day 5 but you need to social distance, avoid crowds, & mask for the full 10. If you develop symptoms or are positive heaven help us.

Just why? We went through this once before & he remained negative. Hope his luck holds out. This time sweet Lulu Belle has her surgery on 8/16/23. And we have Metallica on 8/21/23. This could not have come at a worse time. But as they say it’s nothing until it’s something. Story of my life.

As always, more to come.