Thursday Thoughts ~ 8/10/23

All I can think about is my sweet Lulu Belle. She’s so strong. Tough as nails. She must get that from her daddy. Me? I’m a weeping willow. I know she’s worried too 😟 of course she is but she’s quiet 🤐 about it while I’m loud.

You Don’t Need an Ovary to Have a Puppy! Taken in 2017 on the night before her 1st surgery.

Her 2nd surgery is scheduled for 8/16/23. While it’s to treat a recurrence, there’s nothing to indicate further complications. They will be more aggressive this time though as precaution & take the ovary. Doc says she can live a normal life with just one. Every single pre op test with the exception of the sonogram that found the damn thing is within normal range. Thank goodness for small favors. I’m hanging on to that and the mantra of it’s nothing until it’s something.

Sure puts things into perspective. My heart hurts for my sweet baby girl. ❤️‍🩹 I wish it was me. I’d do anything to take away her fears. Hoping this too shall pass. Until the next time.

As always more to come.