Sunday Reflections: A Week in Review ~ 8/6/23

July 30th to August 5th was a whirlwind for sure. Here’s the re-cap

  • 7/30/23 Sunday = Only reflected, no re-cap. Overthought everything but finally sent a HBD text trying to keep in touch as best I can ❤
  • 7/31/23 Monday = Found out about layoff for the kidlet. & haiku state & being
  • 8/01/23 Tuesday = Super Moon that we’ve not seen since 12/2009. I’m a geek who nerds out over this kind of stuff. & Share Your World
  • 8/02/23 Wednesday = We learned of the passing of a long time family friend on his own terms. Nervous about sweet Lulu Belle’s upcoming appointment. No need to worry but worried anyway. & Wednesday Extra & #1linerWeds.
  • 8/03/23 Thursday = Found out that MAYBE we do have something to worry about after all. Received reply to my text while I was surfing the internet for potential outcomes with Lulu’s DX. Somehow that was a balm for age old wounds. I stopped trying to be Dr. Google WebMD. Closed my phone & went to bed. Not sure I slept. & Thursday Thoughts
  • 8/04/23 Friday = A blur & fuzzy day with horrible intrusive thoughts. & Feels
  • 8/05/23 Saturday = Hmm, was that really just yesterday. My angst is off the charts. Using all the techniques to reign in the terror. Cancelled the out of state part of our vacation. B & I can celebrate our anniversary a different way. We’ll have to think of something to do with the airline credit before 7/13/24. & #SoCS

This time is so different partly because she doesn’t live here anymore. In 2017, we protected her like hawk. Under our ever watchful eyes. Not like where she lives will change the outcome. But this is not exactly the same which means the outcome could be different. And we know she’s playing the genetic lottery, double whammy from both sides. The dreaded C word runs rampant. Though the doctor won’t be able to say what this truly is until 2-3 weeks after the surgery when the biopsy comes back. August 16th sure cannot get here fast enough.

Alright, enough! Not going to wallow today, that was so yesterday. I’m off to wash the car, fill up the tank, get my on-hold library book & come back home before the kids get here for Sunday supper. Always a precious time with the brain trust but today might be a little more precious. Hug your loved ones, tell them how you feel while you can, just because, and often. That’s my plan anyway.

As always, more to come.