Thursday Thoughts ~ 8/3/23

Only one us in need at the same time is wishful thinking 🤔. Sometimes things happen all at once. Right now things are hopping at Casa de Dub. That’s all I’m thinking about.

On Monday, Pony was laid off with warning & severance. He’s kind of excited & says it’s a kick in the pants he needed. He had been unhappy in a corporate role for a long time. Or better said he was always unhappy working for the man. He’s my sweet lil guy who I could see doing something else myself. I wish him well as he navigates a new normal.

On Tuesday, I saw the super moon preview on my way to work. I should’ve pulled over for pictures but my iPhone never does justice. It was very cool to see as this big ole moon as it appeared then disappeared along my route. First time since December 2009. A blue moon will occur on 8/30/23 making August the month for astronomy 🔭.

Wednesday was worry day for today, Thursday, our Lulu has a doctors appointment for preliminaries to a procedure she’ll have on the 16th. Outpatient, no time off afterwards needed. I’m sure all will be well. Then I have my appointment with another new doctor on the 17th. The quack on saw recently has me continuing to search. My pain is off the charts. 😬 One day y’all. Someone is going to figure this out.

Looking forward to the future, B and I go on vacation. Concert on August 21st, in Dallas Fort Worth then back to Washington for me, first time for B. Escaping to cooler temperatures, hopefully won’t get above the low 70s. Just our luck, the beach will probably have a heat wave while we’re there. But I’m banking on the stars ✨ aligning. We need this trip together and some good to come our way.

As always more to come.