Wednesday Extra! Happy Anniversary!!~ 8/2/23

Lookie what I got in my notifications today …

Who does WP think they are?!?!? Delta?!?? Ha! Thank you for flying with us my Aunt Fanny! The last I checked I was writing by the seat of my pants & if that’s flying well alrighty Bruce Almighty then, I’m high! Somebody stop me!

Keep up the good blogging. Why thank you, I think I will. Only I’ve gotten sloppy. Okay I’ve always been a mess. Stream of consciousness slippery. Writing whatever fool thing popped into my head. I had an edge at the beginning though that I lost with my cookie cutter formula of late.

I really began the journey of filling my empty nest on July of 2016 which is really 7 years & one month ago but WP keeps track from the very first day which was bingo, bango, August 2, 2015. I wrote three short posts then disappeared. They follow & they’re awful. What was I thinking!

I never thought I’d have over 1K followers though many are bots. Dog breeders mostly. Go figure. I’m not sure if I’ve had anyone with me from day one. Or how I could figure that out. I do know I lost a few good friends here though. Precious souls, may they Rest in Peace. You might be thinking that forging friendships over the airwaves is impossible but I am here to tell you it is VERY possible! Some of my best friends live in bloglandia, Instagram, Facebook, & my alt X account. The human connection is fickle, a mind of its own really. Why people do what they do & how they do it is fascinating, mysterious, and ultimately defies explanation for when you figure out one, you might not really know they others.

I have gone down the philosophical rat hole. A phrase I overused when I first started out. And yes it is rat hole not rabbit hole. Google it, the bloggers best friend. Anyway, I’m processing all kinds of nonsense right now. I came here to write this piece to deflect the inevitable & turn off my mind for a while. That my friends is why I write. To release the hounds …

I’ve started a practice of writing longhand each morning before I log into work on days that I am in the office. I get there before the butt crack of dawn with time to spare. Traffic patterns have changed so what are you gonna do? This pause helps me center myself before starting the day. It is my gift to myself for being back in the office … I mean for being back in hell. I said what I said & I mean it. The MoFos. Not you fine folks reading this dribble but the others you know who you are!!!!! Anyway, in a succinct line, quoting myself, this is why I write …

Somehow writing moves the thoughts around so that they do not crush me. My spirits lift with each pen stroke.

Jilly J-Dub

As always, more to come.

#1linerWeds. 8/2/23

No Wordle whammies today. Not on my watch. Lol πŸ˜‚ I really enjoy playing but my streak is down to six days. I’ve lost aka not guessed the word only twice. My streak is low since I forget to join in. This thought leads me to my one liner.

Life would be so much better if I Wordled instead of worried 😟

Jilly J-Dub

Happy Wednesday folks! Hope it’s a good one.

As always more to come.

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