Thursday Thoughts ~ 8/31/23

Title: Are You Sitting Down?

This story requires background. While complicated, I will try to be brief. LuLu had surgery, we paid in advance more than our out of pocket maximum. Bills were delayed making it appear we had not met the deductible. I was fighting to get bills expedited so additional treatments – six month check up for me & a sonogram of my gut would covered. I also wanted to get my brand name prescription which I’ve been taking since 2003 at 10%.

After much back I forth, I gave up. I had no choice but to wait for bills to roll in. I got a call late in the day Tuesday where Lupe walked me through why I had NOT met my deductible yet. Turns out the two procedures LuLu had were covered at 100% for a very sad reason but still they were fully covered. I learned that there is a freaking list of what specific medical procedures get a paid in full exemption. I will get back everything we paid. This refund will take about 30 additional days for all the associated bills to settle but still a big fat check is coming back to us. In the meantime, since I haven’t met my deductible on paper, I will pay for my services like a good little girl.

The funny, not funny part is we are still part of a broken system … While I was negotiating my cost for the medicine, I was told there was an override that could be given at any time for any reason. Surely you jest I thought but in one of heated conversations I said “I WANT THE OVERRIDE while you research that I met my deductible & then some!!!” I got a voicemail on Tuesday before I had talked to Lupe to know we had NOT met the deductible. This message told me the override was granted. I had no idea what they were talking about but I called CVS.

Me: Hi, I got a message my RX is ready, something about an override.

Tech: Yes, Jill!!! We got a confirmation too! (she knew who I was without me saying my name because of all the kerfuffle we went through during the week)

Me: They approved $75?

Tech: Are you sitting down?

Me: I sure am!

Tech: Your cost is $3.

WTF! But Yay! This medicine is priced at $100 per pill. With Insurance, the 90 day supply is $746.46. I was prepared to pay $75 or @10%. The override that no one knows about but that can be granted anytime if you just go a little crazy & keep repeating yourself <I met my deductible, I met my deductible, I met my deductible> brings that to $3. Oy Vey!

For a half second, I felt guilty but nope. I’m over my shame. So what that two hours later I learned that I had not met my deductible which was the basis for my entire argument? Good Lord, I’m exhausted.

Don’t judge me puhleese, I will “pay” for this $3 discounted price some other way. If you made it to the end, you win a virtual hug. Thanks for listening.

As always, more to come.

#1linerWeds. 8/30/23

Linda is too tired to tell us about it. I can relate. I learned Monday morning of a tragedy that occurred on our home office campus that Saturday before. I’m barely going through the motions ever since. Though my one liner was written about another topic, it still fits. Searching for beauty all around me in the moon & the plants loaded with bees.

You won’t get over it but you will get through it.

Jenny Hawran

HERE are the rules and ping back.

Share Your World #SYW – 8/29/23

Thanks Di for hosting. Here are my two cents. To join in, follow THIS LINK.

1. Do you have a favourite time of year? I prefer the fall or the spring due to the weather. Mild climates are the best to me.

2. What is your happiest memory? Hard to pick one. I’ll go with meeting my husband.

3. If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? Nothing. I’m resolved to that fact that I am who I am. Lump it or leave it 😂

4. Are you a tidy person (ie. everything in its place), or do you prefer a bit of clutter? I’m more tidy and dislike clutter but everything doesn’t have to be exactly in its place. I enjoy certain cleaning processes a bit too much though.

Gratitude: Friends are the family we choose for ourselves. This has become evident to me lately. We even have a name for it FRAMILY = Friends who become just like family.

As always more to come.

Sunday Reflections: A Week in Review ~ 8/27/23

I won’t recap my posts but wanted to still add a quick reflection. What day is it anyway?!?!? I’ve been arguing with health insurance all week. This nameless faceless greedy corporation can taking a flying you know what off of you know where. The HealthCare industry was in such disarray before Covid & the current state is in even worse shambles if you can believe it. I have so far paid our out of pocket max plus $500 but the website still shows me owing $1500 to reach said deductible. Why? Everyone demands payment up front. No more let’s bill the insurance company & see what’s covered to avoid overpayments & reimbursement. Guess too many people never pay. Not sure what another reason might be to change to this pay before services rendered policies.

LuLu Belle has her post op appointment on Friday. We’re worried they won’t see her without payment. Like I said we’ve overpaid the out of pocket maximum but if that doesn’t register I guess we pay. Such a racket as once the provider is paid, there is no incentive to bill timely. Technically Texas law gives them up to a year.

In other news, we’re expecting one more big layoff before year end. Part of me wants severance & another part thinks I pray to keep my job because we need the health insurance. But after all this mess do we really need the insurance? Might be better to pay the penalty on income taxes. The carrier negotiates a cost sure but then I hear cash patients can get a negotiated cost too. I would love to see a revolt. Patients & providers unite!! Cut out the middle man or at minimum make them do right by the members.

Ugh! Calgon take me away.

As always, more to come.

#SoCS ~ 8/26/23

Saturday already? Thank goodness. Linda G. Hill prompts us with “tune” any way you like it. HERE are the rules & ping back if you want to join in or read the works extraordinaire of the usual suspects who participate in this fine weekly prompt.

Tune by one J-Dub McGillicutty.

Hey! I haven’t used the McGillicutty handle since September of 2021. Instead, I did a copy paste formula for a bit until very recently when I winged it. I think winging it is best as this is stream after all.

My first thought is REO Speedwagon baby “You can tune a piano but you can’t tuna fish”. I can’t fight this feeling anymore … sing it with me would ya? Wrong album I know but I do enjoy that song. I enjoy all songs aka tune(s). Music helps to soothe my achy breaky heart. Yep, I just watched a recording of one Miley Cyrus in her backyard or someone’s backyard. The show was the prelude to her new single “I Used To Be Young”. Hey, I resemble that remark. I too, used to be young. She & I both came in like wrecking balls. Ka-bluey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’m sort of sad that I can’t get it together & by the time I do, it’ll probably be way too late. Ugh! Story of my life! Let me just say if I had it to do over again, I might … maybe … or definitely should NOT look under rocks for that which does nada in the big scheme of things. Streaming pile of nonsense is what we got here. So, I will take my cue & leave after dropping this video.

Tune in next time for a hopefully more centered Jilly McGillicutty von <insert name of your origin> you know who you are! Not really …

As always, more to come.

Friday Book Club: J-Dub’s Review of Maame by Jessica George ~ 8/25/23

Here is my non-spoiler Goodreads review: I’m no longer a 25 year old girl but I related to Maame/Maddie. Family relationships are complicated. Well living life is complicated too for that matter. I collected quite a few quotes for my commonplace book. This story pulled at my heartstrings. A quick & easy read. Highly recommend.

Now here’s the wonderful quotes:

If only logic & reason overruled emotion.

… sometimes asking how someone is serves solely as a passing pleasantry & the only acceptable answer is some variation of “Fine, thanks. You?”

My eloquence only reveals itself when I take the time to think about what to say, write it down, & edit it a few times before hitting “send”.

The women in my family have spines of steal.

Note to self: Delete search history in case I suddenly die a mysterious death & the police go through my phone for clues.

She says it not because it’s reflex but because it’s true.

Everyone talks about the importance of standing out but never the benefits of fitting in.

I don’t think the love of reading is genetic. If so, why doesn’t James read for sh!t?

A person’s troubles are not measured by the size of those troubles but by how much they weigh on the individual carrying them.

Jessica George Author of Maame

See! What’d I tell you? The best!! Relatable to this 50 something year old people pleaser.

As always, more to come.

Thursday Thoughts ~ 8/24/23

Note to self: The Courtyard by Marriott is not THE Marriott even when the room costs the same. I sound like a prima-donna because I am … not a prima-donna 😉 Sincerely I’m usually not picky … B can vouch for me that I’m a cheap date 🤣. I was expecting something like the AC Marriott in Austin or the Marriott across from the TAM both of which have me spoiled.

Our road trip was uneventful. We made good time despite a few traffic slow downs in the usual places. Good tunes and better conversation. Check-in was smooth until we tried to get into our room.

We hear talking behind the door. The housekeeper tells us “people are in there”. She comes over & knocks “Housekeeping! Housekeeping!” A guy answers and says over his shoulder “Rebecca they doubled booked the room” To us he says “Come on in!” Me: “Why I never but maybe I ought to” 😂 B melts into the hall carpeting but everyone else laughed. I wasn’t even trying to be funny. I’m a natural.

We all went to the front desk. Turns out they got in with a mobile key. Which shouldn’t have worked. He says “see I told you it was the wrong room, ours should be adjoining for when the kids get here” We waited in the bar & were “comped” for our troubles with free drinks. Not alcohol. Though I could have chosen the screw top wine. The displaced couple got the same.

That’s what I’m thinking about today. Our fun vacation. I might share more snippets of our trip. I find “stories” in everything.

As always more to come.

#1linerWeds. 8/23/23

Is this the line for merch? Fuuuuuck. God bless America.

Random concert goer deciding if he wanted to wait in line to buy a t-shirt.

Yep the lines were loooooong. And we wondered why the mad dash to get there once the doors opened. Those lines seemed perpetual. We had a great time. Forgot about it all and were lost in the music. Aaaah now that’s the stuff.

HERE are the rules and ping back.

Share Your World #SYW ~ 8/22/23

Thanks Di for hosting, here’s my two cents. HERE are the rules & ping back for anyone who wants to play along.

1. Have you ever been fishing? Yes I have, many times. We always took family trips to the lake or the coast & fishing was right up there with things to do. I especially loved using live worms when we were at Inks Lake. I never actually baited my hook, my brother usually did or maybe my dad but I enjoyed pulling the worm from the bait cup. Kinda twisted as I think about it now. I haven’t gone fishing in some time & I don’t think I’d have the patience any longer.
2. Do you prefer to watch football, rugby, tennis or hockey on TV? None of the above but B watches football & hockey on TV. I am sports adjacent. B has it on & I read or otherwise entertain myself.
3. Have you ever ice skated? Yes, in Northcross Mall back in the 1970s. The rink has since closed. I was spending part of summer break with my sister in Austin. My nephew had been pleading with her to take him. That summer while I was there she finally did. SO MUCH FUN!
4. Did you enjoy sports at school? I sure did! I started with volleyball in the fall of 3rd grade, then softball that spring. I played softball until 8th grade & was never very good but still had fun. I played volleyball all the way through high school & was better at it than softball. I made the All State team twice. Then I played in an adult league the summer after high school where I blew out my knee. Ended my sports as a hobby. Too bad too, I loved playing & would practice for hours. Oh and in order to play volleyball in high school, I had to run track also since we were a small school & coach needed more to make a team. I wasn’t the fastest but I was steady. Had I not blown out my knee, no doubt I’d still be running. There’s nothing like that feeling. Cue Chariots of Fire.

Gratitude: Don’t dwell on what you can’t do, thrive on what you can! Most people who do this are happy people 🙂 Definitely better to focus on what you can influence. I have my moments but strive to be like this more often.

As always, more to come.