#SoCS for 8/29/20

Well hello y’all. Time once again for #SoCS where our host with the most, Linda G Hill writes and I rewrite “Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “more than a hundred.” Write your post inspired by something you have more than a hundred of in your home right now. Enjoy!”


Think, think, and think …

99 bottles of beer on the wall

99 bottles of beer

Take one down

Pass it around

98 bottles of beer on the wall

Well that’t not 100.

Well duh!

And who puts beer on a wall anyway? That song is nonsense.

We don’t have more than a hundred of anything in the house. Including the aforementioned bottles of beer because I quit buying alcohol when the urge for day drinking became too intense. This COVID enforced work from home has pros and cons. The biggest best pro is not commuting and not wearing shoes. On the con side there is easy access to everything like alcohol with breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Back to counting. We don’t have more than a hundred of anything in the house. Repeat Polly. Unless you count strands of hair on our heads, grains of salt, grains of rice, granules of sugar, staples, ammo/bullets, assorted coins, or floor tiles. And I tell ya, none of those are inspiring. And yes I said ammo. This is Texas after all. Wink, wink.

Just about outta stream when this song came to mind … hundred acre woods … cue music. What better way to say until next time!! Tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff. Willy, nilly, silly ole bear 🙂

Wishing everyone who stumbles upon this post a wonderful Saturday. To join in the shenanigans, go back up and click on Linda’s name to get to the fantastic world she created. You’ll be glad ya did 🙂

As always, more to come.

19 thoughts on “#SoCS for 8/29/20

  1. I loved this post (and all the interesting comments). I have no experience of beer songs and Catholic schools or ammo in the house – there is food for thought here. Diversity! 😁

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Once you opened with that all I could think about was the stint I spent teaching in a Catholic school and the time we went on a field trip. The kids started singing 100 bottles of beer on the wall except, you know, Catholic school so one of the other chaperones stopped them & told them to sing something else. 😆

    Liked by 2 people

  3. My first thought was 100 bottles of beer on the wall before I got down to your conscious mind. I can roll 100 pennies in no time. I understand the ammo. I may not be in Texas but I’m a Texan. I have a few hundred rounds. I’d love to go to the gun range, but I like the indoor ones. A/C not happenings right now! Great post! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I wonder that too. I have stayed away from looking for the stats and have only heard anecdotally. Increase in domestic violence and things of that nature too. Very sad state of affairs sometimes.


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