#JusJoJan 01/27/20

Thank you Debbie for dazzle.  Excellent prompt.  Thanks Linda for hosting.  Hard to believe only four more days left of #JusJoJan.

Dazzle makes me think of blinding lights, diamonds, or razzle-dazzle.  The Harlem Globe trotters used the ole razzle dazzle.  We saw them once when they came through San Antonio.  What a fun experience!!

Now I have an ear worm. Except I can’t whistle.  It’s a wordless song on a loop.  Oh my!!!

And that’s all she wrote because work is interfering.  Now lunch is over.  Boo hiss 😦  Wishing you a work week full of dazzle … the good kind, not trickster kind.  Whoop there it is …

As always, more to come.

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