#JusJoJan and #SoCS for 1/12/19 ~ Art

“Saturday in the park I think it was the 4th of July”

Uh no, it is January 2019 in the year of our Lord.  Time once again for #SoCS.  To spice things up #JusJoJan is making an appearance.  Woo Hoo.  Another two-fer on a non Tuesday.

Here is the official prompt provided by the lovely Linda who keeps the wheels rolling no matter what:

Your prompt for #JusJoJan and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “art.” Talk about something that’s hanging on your wall. Add a picture, if you’d like. If you have no art on your walls, talk about something in a museum. Have fun!

After the incident in October 2006, we didn’t put too art much back up on the walls.  We didn’t have much to begin with because we are very selective.  Ha!  Not really.  B could not care less though he does have a penchant for nature scenes.  And me ??  Well I am indecisive.  If I was going to make the first holes in the walls, I wanted everything to be perfect.

This morning I went around the house snapping pictures and realized Lulu is really the only one who decorates.  She draws and paints her own stuff which is splattered over her walls.  No secret that she went through some really rough times and art helped her through.

When I took pictures today, I noticed one of her early works was missing.  The piece was very dark … absolutely heartbreaking to see and read but necessary just the same.  If you know what I mean.  I tried not to be too snoopy but I looked everywhere and I could not find it.

Now I knew she planned to paint over some stuff during the break.  She likes to do that.  Saves on buying new canvas.  Her memory is a steel trap so remembers paintings that were covered up.  I can’t do that and now I wish I had gone around the house taking pictures sooner.  Maybe for the best and covering up her painting showing such pain could mean things are looking up for her.  The replacement is a bright sun. She left some gray and the black is peeking through the edges.

Without further ado, here is the gallery.

To join this band of prompt respondents or see their works extraordinaire, look here for the rules and ping back.

As always, more to come.


19 thoughts on “#JusJoJan and #SoCS for 1/12/19 ~ Art

  1. I love the copy of the New Yorker. The butterflies…Michaels has sales on canvas all the time! We had a woman who used to come in and buy 30 or 40 at once because she taught an art class.

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    1. Oh yes she pretty much exclusively goes to Michael’s for that reason. But even that is a lot for a struggling college student. I used to fund her canvas but it almost bankrupted me 😂

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  2. I absolutely love the idea of painting over a picture that portrays pain/dark times and leaving a bit of the pain showing. The pain is still there, but joy and color are now part of the picture and more of the focus. Very creative and therapeutic!

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